IEEE-ISPLC 2023 event

About 2023 IEEE ISPLC

The 26th edition of the prestigious IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications (ISPLC) is set to take place in Manchester, United Kingdom from March 21st to 22nd, 2023. Organized under the auspices of the IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc), this symposium serves as a premier platform for showcasing and discussing scientific and technical advancements in the field of communications over power lines.

ISPLC has earned a reputation for its strong industry participation, attracting a diverse community of researchers, practitioners, and users of power line communication (PLC) technology. It serves as a hub where experts from academia, industry, and government agencies convene to share insights, exchange knowledge, and foster collaborations.

The conference program features an array of captivating sessions, including keynote presentations delivered by renowned experts and thought-provoking panel discussions. These sessions offer unique opportunities to explore emerging trends, cutting-edge research, and practical applications related to PLC technology.

In addition, the conference will host an Industry Exhibit that centers specifically on PLC for Smart Grids. This exhibit provides a dedicated space for industry leaders, innovators, and solution providers to showcase their latest products, technologies, and services, further enriching the symposium experience.

ISPLC 2023 promises to be a significant event for those involved in the field of power line communications. By bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders, the symposium aims to foster collaboration, inspire new ideas, and contribute to the advancement of PLC technology for the benefit of smart grids and beyond.

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Event details

March 21 -22, 2023
Manchester, UK
PLC Technologies

Event venue

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