Corinex Coupler


Corinex Coupler provides secure, near real-time communication over utilities’ existing electric infrastructure.

As a part of our Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) enabled smart grid solution, Corinex Coupler provides the communication uplink for a Corinex Compact Headend, which manages and collects data for a centralized energy management system.

  • Corinex BPL’s superior communication performance & voltage sensing capability
  • Superior coverage compared to wireless technologies
  • Promotes network ownership and gives control back to utilities
  • A proven and tested solution that reduces deployment risks
  • Faster roll-out demonstrated by pilot studies
  • Low cost, inter-operable and future-proof solution
  • Developed and validated by 5 leading market vendors
Technical specifications

Product feature highlights

Benefits of Corinex Coupler

Superior communication performance

Two-way, near real-time data communications capabilities provide utilities with the flexibility to scale and adapt

Security built into multiple layers

Highest security level and smart-grid capabilities integrated to industry standard semiconductors, communications system, and network server

Market-proven reliability

Designed to promote network ownership and reduce maintenance cost with a faster roll-out demonstrated by pilot studies

State-of-the-art grid management software

Product rendering of GridValue

The Corinex Coupler, along with our vertically integrated products and grid management software, enables utilities to provide the next generation of smart grid applications and distributed energy resource services.

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Learn more about Corinex products for grid digitalization

Corinex has a wealth of expertise in the field of broadband over power lines products and customized solutions, which we have accumulated over a span of more than two decades. Our dedicated team continually seeks out new opportunities and ventures beyond our core business offerings.